GrowNYC Wholesale FAQs

What is GrowNYC Wholesale?

GrowNYC Wholesale is GrowNYC’s year-round wholesale distribution program for seasonal, local produce and other regionally produced items – including whole grains, flours, eggs, honey, maple syrup, and jarred goods. GrowNYC is the nonprofit that also operates the Greenmarket farmers market program. GrowNYC Wholesale sources directly from farmers in the Northeast for wholesale buyers in NYC. Unlike the retail farmers market program, GrowNYC Wholesale offers the bulk pricing that comes with higher volume.

Does GrowNYC Wholesale work like a traditional distributor?

GrowNYC Wholesale sends out two product lists each week, and we offer delivery to many neighborhoods around the city. We differ from traditional distributors in that we do not keep an inventory; most produce is purchased fresh and “on demand” from our farm partners based on customer’s orders.

In addition, our mission and values set us apart from traditional distributors. GrowNYC Wholesale is particularly committed to ensuring:

  • Full transparency in our sourcing, so that customers always know where their food is coming from;

  • That farmers receive a fair price for their products.

  • Access to fresh, healthy, affordable food for all New Yorkers, especially those in underserved neighborhoods.

How does full transparency work?

Each item on our product list includes the source farm and location, as well as the weight or pack size. Read more about our partner farms here.

What is your sourcing region and how do you define "local"?

As a New York City based nonprofit working toward empowering all New Yorkers with equitable access to fresh, locally grown food and the protection of our regional foodshed, New York state growers are our first priority. We believe that the diversity of offerings, cultural relevance, and affordable price points are all factors that make food more accessible. We also work with farms in states contiguous to NY and in the Northeast at large to expand our offerings, support the distribution of high-quality products, and preserve farmland for the future.

GrowNYC Wholesale always prioritizes local products when they are available, but we also recognize that New Yorkers eat all year round. In addition to the local products available throughout the year, such as apples, root vegetables, grains, and eggs, GrowNYC Wholesale sources select items from trusted farm partners in the Southeast US in the winter and spring.

What growing practices are utilized by your partner farms?

We believe our growers utilize practices that prioritize air, soil, and water quality on their land, in turn ensuring longevity of their farm operations and their community's health. Learn more about their practices here. Many producers abide by certain growing practices but choose to not certify in order to save money on audit fees to be able to offer you a more affordable product. GrowNYC can’t be held accountable for practices that are not audit-verified, and will only list operations as "Certified" on our product listings if we have up-to-date records of their inspection documents on file.

What ownership indicators do you recognize?

In order to help our customers who are interested in supporting business among groups that have historically faced more barriers in accessing land and business ownership, we uplift operations who self-identify to have BIPOC, Latinx, Woman, LGBTQIA+, Immigrant, Disabled, or Veteran ownership.

Why is a product that I know is made by your partner brand not listed on your website?

Many of our partners have different product lines, with some processors aggregating their ingredients from different sources for the perfect recipe. Our goal is to highlight the bounty of New York state and prioritize stocking products that are not only made in NY but are made with majority NY State ingredients. This way we are still supporting NY growers while supporting NY food processors.

Are your products organic?

Many of our farm partners plant strictly non-GMO seeds, practice crop rotation and cover-cropping, fertilize with compost, and manage pests without synthetic inputs. Some of them choose to obtain audit-based certifications that documents these practices but some chose not to certify in order to save money on audit fees or time on record-keeping, allowing them to be able to offer you a more affordable product. GrowNYC will list growers as "Certified Organic" on our website if we have up-to-date records of their inspection documents on file.

Why local?

New York loses an average of 50 acres of farmland per day, or the equivalent of two farms in New York each week, according to the American Farmland Trust. This is a critical rate of decline of New York's food supply, environmental health, and economy. By sourcing locally, we support the livelihood of New York farmers directly and keep farmland active.

By prioritizing local, we reduce the time from soil to plate and maximize freshness - bringing the maximum amount of nutrients to your plate. We also minimize the miles product travels by air, truck, or ship - reducing the carbon footprint of each piece of our produce.

How does your supply chain work?

We operate out of a central warehouse, and use refrigerated trucks to ensure cold chain compliance.

How do I order?

Once your new customer onboarding form is approved and we have discussed your receiving day(s), you are ready to order by emailing your order to Our delivery minimum is $250, and our payment terms are 30 days from delivery. We prefer checks, Zelle (formerly Chase QuickPay), or ACH/EFT payments, although we can also accept credit cards (there is a 3% processing fee for credit cards).

We do most deliveries Mondays through Fridays, and arrange delivery windows on a case by case basis.